So here I am a year later living in a different state with many changes along the way. It was a good move although everything is different. Mostly different in a good way. Instead of music being my son's passion now it is running. I must admit I am a little sad his trombone doesn't see the light of day anymore. But running is good exercise, builds muscle, challenges him as a person.
I spent most of my summer working at a winery. Which made me learn more about my love of wine.
Now most days are spent trying to inspire young children to read. Along with listening to teenage boys tell me all sorts of things. Which brings me to the passion on my heart to have a home close to my son's school so these teenage boys can have a place of refuge. Their home lives are so complicated. We seemed to find the perfect home although money seems to get in the way. Unfortunately with all of our financial loss the past 6 years we can not make a downpayment. So next question was what to do. Of course ask family to help. Okay so that doesn't work when family is not willing to help. So now what? That is the question of the week. Frustration sets in; especially when the rental where we reside is giving us headaches, etc.
Now what? Pray without ceasing!